META, o.p.s. prepared informative sheets with practical guidelines on the most common situations concerning the education of migrants in the Czech Republic. The texts are always in Czech language and on the second page of the sheet in another language version, so they can serve the parents of the pupils and their teachers, social workers, counsellors, officials, other helpers or simply anyone interested in these questions.
Laws, rules and practice in education, like everything around us, are changing all the time, so we chose a flexible and easy-to-update format (instead of, for example, a classic publication). You will be able to tell whether – for example, the latest changes in school legislation – have already been implemented into our materials by the date on each sheet.
In case you will find inaccuracies, errors or outdated information in the materials or you would welcome information
on other topics, please contact us at: or phone number +420 777 756 858
All materials are the property of META, o. p. s and their copying and distribution are allowed only in the original unaltered form. Quoting is possible only with proper mention of the original source.
We hope you will find these materials useful!
Yours team META
0_1 Titulní strana – TITLE PAGE
1_1 Předškolní vzdělávání – PRESCHOOL EDUCATION
1_2 Odklad povinné školní docházky – DELAYED SCHOOL ENTRY
2_1 Základní škola (ZŠ) – ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (ES)
2_2 Školská poradenská zařízení (ŠPZ) – EDUCATION COUNCELING FACILITIES (ECF)
2_3 Podpůrná opatření – SUPPORT MEASURES
2_4 Přípravná třída – PREPARATORY CLASS
2_6 Opravné zkoušky, opakování ročníku – REEXAMINATION, REPEATING A GRADE
2_7 Hodnocení prospěchu (klasifikace) – STUDENT EVALUATION
2_8 Komunikace se školou – COMMUNICATION WITH SCHOOL
3_1 Přijímací řízení na střední školy (SŠ) – HIGH SCHOOL ADMISSION
3_2 Typy středních škol – TYPES OF HIGH SCHOOLS
Tip 1: the PDF documents may not always display correctly from the online preview; we recommend downloading them to the storage of your device and viewing them from there.
Tip 2: You will find more useful information pre-prepared bilingual messages for parents and schools in language versions here.
Tip 3: You are welcome to explore our portal for educators Inkluzivní škola (Inclusive School) with more detailed information on the topic:
Tip 4: The sheets are sorted by colour-coded themes and together they form some kind of “dossier” If you are a professional who deals migrants and their education on a daily basis, you can print the sheets and put them in an actual dossier – you will also find pre-marked holes for the paper puncher on the sheets.