Community interpreters are indispensable to foreigners who don’t speak Czech and need help with translations in everyday life in a new country. Interpreters assist in communicating with office workers, doctors, teachers, police officers, etc. Not only do they transmit the exact content of the speaker’s communication, they are also able to identify and remove intercultural communication barriers.
In these six videos, we introduce Maria from Russia, Elena and Antonina from Ukraine, Wesama from Palestine, Lee from Vietnam and Mónico from Mexico. (Videos are only in Czech language)
In 2014, we published a publication entitled Komunitní tlumočníci ve víru integrace (Community Interpreters in the Whirl of Integration) in META association. You will learn about the personal stories of all six interpreters, their experiences and experiences that are the best proof of successful integration. You will also find lots of examples, advice and recommendations on community interpreting, even in specific situations dealing with authorities, schools and health workers.