The teaching assistant plays an important role in the education of pupils with a different first language (DFL). In addition, if the assistant speaks the same language as the pupils, it can make the learning process easier. That’s why we have created the concept of bilingual teaching assistants (DAP). Since 2012, We have been providing DAP with education and helping schools to involve DAP in the education system.
In addition to the following videos (only in Czech), we also published the publication: Bilingual Teaching Assistants – Stories of Successful Integration, which brings an engaging story about the winding life path of all six assistants. You will learn what brought them to the Czech Republic, what‘s their favorite food and you will also read stories from behind school desks.
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(The publication is only in Czech.)
Videos and publications were created as part of the project „Čekuj integraci!“ co-financed from the funds of the Capital City of Prague and the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic for the integration of foreigners.