Summer intensive Czech courseWill your children start attending Czech school from September but they cannot speak Czech yet? Sign them up for summer intensive Czech course in META! The offer is valid for children who will attend school in Prague 3 Please fill the |
We open METAclub for childrenRegistration |
Educational counselling: personally or onlineWe would like to invite you to our consultation hours. We look forward to seeing you in META. |
In relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NPI CR has provided translations of important information for the parentsIn relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NPI CR has provided translations of information important to the parents regarding partial reopening of schools. It is a summary of the most important information in the document of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT in Czech) entitled H… |
We offer the online tutoring with individual topicsIn response to the complicated situation of non-native speakers of czech language pupils in distance schooling, we offer the online tutoring with individual topics (tutoring is offered in the form of one-off consultations for the period of school closure at the time of emergency). Capacity is limited. Does your child have any problem with homework? |
Has your child lost language support from the school and contact with Czech language due to school closure?META opens an online Czech language course for children at primary school (1st to 5th grade)! The course is designed for (false) beginners and is FREE OF CHARGE. The capacity is limited! The course will be held twice per week in 2 groups based on the level… |
META in the time of coronavirusThe current situation in our country has made our personal and professional lives more difficult. Nevertheless, our team managed to acclimate to the ongoing changes and react appropriately. The result is a META organization adapted to „the time of coronavirus“ which maintains its client services in this most demanding period and at the same time offers the teaching staff a way to reach… |
OUR SERVICES DURING EMERGENCY STATE AND OTHER USEFUL INFODear clients, In relation to the COVID-19 virus spread, we would like to inform you that non-preordered consultation hours of social advisory are cancalled. Connect with us over the phone, e-mail or whatsapp of our social workers. Due to the emergency state in our country, we interrupt all educa… |
The issue of children with a different mother tongue was widely discussed at an international META conference in May (2019)META approached this year’s international conference widely and presented the education of children and pupils with a different mother tongue (DMT) through perspectives of many of its representatives. What linked all speeches together was the essence of a successful integration itself, and that is the c… |
Conference in Brno: The education system does not take account of pupils with a different mother tongueOn 21 January, META, o.p.s., in cooperation with the ombudswoman, organised a conference in Brno, concerning the current situation of the education of pupils with a different mother tongue “Neznalost jazyka neomlouvá!?” In fact, the education system is not ready for these pupils, even though the number of such pupils is gr… |
We’ve Moved to a New Office Location – Žerotínova street, Prague 3Many changes are taking place in META. Since September you can find us at the new address: Žerotínova street number 35 in Prague 3 (bus stop Černínova) map. |
What brought the international conference about the education of children with a different mother tongueOn 20 and 21 June 2018, META organised the 4th conference, this time called UČÍME ČEŠTINU DĚTI A ŽÁKY S ODLIŠNÝM MATEŘSKÝM JAZYKEM – zkušenosti a inspirace (WE TEACH CHILDREN AND PUPILS WITH A DIFFERENT MOTHER TONGUE CZECH – experience and inspiration). The event was under the … |
META’s round table discussions reopened the topic of the education of pupils with a different mother tongue in selected regionsIn 2018, META held four round table discussions about the implementation of language support for children and pupils without Czech knowledge in selected regions – in Ústí nad Labem, Plzeň, Central Bohemian and Prague regions. META representatives debated with key representatives of education… |
Conference Pupils with a different mother tongue in schools – opportunities for a changeOn Thursday, 20 October 2016, from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm, in cooperation with the organisation People in need, o.p.s. and with the Prague City Hall, we held a conference Žáci s odlišným mateřským jazykem ve školách – příležitosti ke změně (Pupils with a different mother tongue in schools – opportunities for a change) in the… |
Take a look at an overview of conferences, round table discussions and discussions organised by META between 2011 – 2015 |