“Czech lessons after school” – Czech language course for children from the 2nd – 5th grades of elementary school
10.9.2024Czech language club for children from Prague 3
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professional public & media
How to participate?
and internship
professional public & media
How to participate?
and internship
Target group:
for children before they enter the 1st grade of elementary school
September - May (The course is scheduled to start at the end of September 2024) 1 group September till January 2 group February till June Duration:15 lessons (1x per week 90 minut)
META, Žerotínova 35, 130 00 Praha 3
30 lessons (1x per week 90 minut)
FREE (refundable deposit 2000,- Kč, minimum participation of 85 %)
Czech for preschoolers
A course for multilingual children aimed at developing Czech in a playful way. The course is designed for children before they enter the 1st grade of elementary school and is suitable for beginners and advanced speakers. It focuses on the development of Czech through games, art and music activities and playful preparation for entering the first grade.
Registration HERE.
Contact: cjkurzy@meta-ops.cz
Projekt “Informace na dosah – podpora adaptace rodin s dětmi v ČR” spolufinancovaný Evropskou unií.